Your Ai Pin is now smarter and more intuitive, letting you recall past activities. You can:
- Search Ai Mic history by date or specific details
- Search music history by date or description
Our aim is to make your Ai Pin an extension of your memory—easily answering questions like "What song played last Friday?" or "What did I ask last week?"
Current Search Capabilities
- You can ask Ai Pin about past Ai Mic searches or music played from the last two weeks (up to 1,000 events).
- Only Ai Mic and Music events are searchable. These searches work in parallel with other memory queries for the most relevant results.
- Complex queries like "How many Taylor Swift songs did I listen to?" and location-based searches are not supported yet.
How to Turn ON Ai Mic Search History
This feature is turned OFF by default but you can enable the feature ON your Humane.Center account page. To turn ON Ai Mic Search History:
- Log into your Humane.Center Account
- Select your profile in the bottom right corner
- Select Settings
- Select My Ai Pin
- Toggle "Ai Mic History Search" to the ON position